SuperValue Supermarket in NZ has 41 stores in 30 Towns. Most of them are located in Auckland (7 stores), Christchurch (6 stores), Ashburton (1 store), Wellington (1 store) and Wanganui (1 store).
At SuperValue we believe good people working towards a common goal can achieve anything. With our owners living and working in their community, community values are very important to us.
Because we are in so many different locations around New Zealand we change our range to suit what our locals need. What is common to all SuperValue supermarkets is the high standards of friendly service and the uncompromising high standards of fresh produce. We support this with our replace and refund guarantee.
SuperValue Supermarket AshburtonSuperValue Supermarket Auckland7 storesSuperValue Supermarket Christchurch6 storesSuperValue Supermarket DunedinSuperValue Supermarket EdgecumbeSuperValue Supermarket FeatherstonSuperValue Supermarket GisborneSuperValue Supermarket InvercargillSuperValue Supermarket LeestonSuperValue Supermarket LytteltonSuperValue Supermarket MethvenSuperValue Supermarket MiltonSuperValue Supermarket New PlymouthSuperValue Supermarket NgaruawahiaSuperValue Supermarket OtautauSuperValue Supermarket OxfordSuperValue Supermarket PauanuiSuperValue Supermarket RaglanSuperValue Supermarket ReeftonSuperValue Supermarket RenwickSuperValue Supermarket RivertonSuperValue Supermarket RoxburghSuperValue Supermarket SeddonSuperValue Supermarket TaupoSuperValue Supermarket Te KuitiSuperValue Supermarket TuakauSuperValue Supermarket WaiukuSuperValue Supermarket WanganuiSuperValue Supermarket WellingtonSuperValue Supermarket Ruakaka
Supermarkets - Most popular cities. Information, location, contacts, opening hours
AucklandBlenheimChristchurchDunedinGisborneHamiltonInvercargillNapierNelsonNew PlymouthPalmerston NorthPoriruaPukekoheQueenstownRotorua