BNZ Bank Opening hours in NZ

BNZ Bank in NZ has 160 branches in 98 Towns. Most of them are located in Auckland (24 branches), Christchurch (11 branches), Wellington (9 branches), North Shore City (6 branches) and Hamilton (5 branches).

Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) is one of New Zealand's largest banks.Bank operates a variety of financial services covering retail, business and institutional banking and employs over 5000 people in New Zealand.

For retail customers, Bank of New Zealand offers a range of products and services that include savings and investments, home loans, credit cards, personal loans, insurance and international and migrant banking. Customers are able to bank using telephone banking, internet banking or by visiting one of 180 branches  around New Zealand.

Business banking at Bank of New Zealand has been branded BNZ Partners and provides a full range of banking services for small, medium or large businesses. Services include transactional bank accounts, investments, loans and finance, card and payment, insurance and international banking services for businesses dealing with exports, imports and foreign exchange. Bank of New Zealand’s business banking division provides banking staff with specialist knowledge of various industry sectors consisting of Agribusiness, Medical, Professional, Property, Not-for-profit, Franchising and Iwi.

BNZ Bank AlexandraBNZ Bank Ashburton2 branchesBNZ Bank Auckland24 branchesBNZ Bank BalcluthaBNZ Bank BlenheimBNZ Bank CambridgeBNZ Bank CartertonBNZ Bank Christchurch11 branchesBNZ Bank CoromandelBNZ Bank CromwellBNZ Bank DannevirkeBNZ Bank Dunedin4 branchesBNZ Bank FeildingBNZ Bank GeraldineBNZ Bank GisborneBNZ Bank GoreBNZ Bank GreymouthBNZ Bank Hamilton5 branchesBNZ Bank Hanmer SpringsBNZ Bank HastingsBNZ Bank Havelock NorthBNZ Bank HaweraBNZ Bank HuntlyBNZ Bank InvercargillBNZ Bank KaiapoiBNZ Bank KaikouraBNZ Bank KatikatiBNZ Bank KawerauBNZ Bank LeestonBNZ Bank LevinBNZ Bank Lower Hutt2 branchesBNZ Bank ManukauBNZ Bank MartinboroughBNZ Bank MartonBNZ Bank MastertonBNZ Bank MatamataBNZ Bank MorrinsvilleBNZ Bank MotuekaBNZ Bank Mount MaunganuiBNZ Bank Napier2 branchesBNZ Bank NelsonBNZ Bank New PlymouthBNZ Bank North Shore City6 branchesBNZ Bank OamaruBNZ Bank Ohakune2 branchesBNZ Bank OpotikiBNZ Bank OrewaBNZ Bank OtorohangaBNZ Bank PaeroaBNZ Bank PahiatuaBNZ Bank Palmerston North2 branchesBNZ Bank ParaparaumuBNZ Bank PictonBNZ Bank PoriruaBNZ Bank PukekoheBNZ Bank PutaruruBNZ Bank Queenstown2 branchesBNZ Bank RangioraBNZ Bank ReeftonBNZ Bank RichmondBNZ Bank RollestonBNZ Bank RotoruaBNZ Bank StratfordBNZ Bank SilverdaleBNZ Bank TaihapeBNZ Bank TakakaBNZ Bank TaumarunuiBNZ Bank TaupoBNZ Bank Tauranga4 branchesBNZ Bank Te AnauBNZ Bank Te ArohaBNZ Bank Te AwamutuBNZ Bank Te KuitiBNZ Bank Te PukeBNZ Bank ThamesBNZ Bank TimaruBNZ Bank TokoroaBNZ Bank Upper HuttBNZ Bank Waiheke IslandBNZ Bank WaihiBNZ Bank WaikanaeBNZ Bank WaimateBNZ Bank WaipukurauBNZ Bank WairoaBNZ Bank WaitakereBNZ Bank WaiukuBNZ Bank WanakaBNZ Bank WanganuiBNZ Bank WarkworthBNZ Bank Wellington9 branchesBNZ Bank WhakataneBNZ Bank WhangamataBNZ Bank WhitiangaBNZ Bank WintonBNZ Bank MilfordBNZ Bank TawaBNZ Bank FerrymeadBNZ Bank Linwood

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